Write a C Program to print the ticket charge given the age of the person. The charges are as follows:
Over 75: $10.00
55–74: $12.00
21–54: $15.00
13–20: $10.00
3–12: $5.00
Under 3: Free.
main ()
int age=0,price=0;
printf("Enter your age for ticket price:");
printf("your are free");
else if(age>=3 && age<=12)
printf("your ticket price is 5$");
else if(age>=13 && age<=20)
printf("your ticket prize is 10$");
else if(age>=21 && age<=54)
printf("your ticket price is 15$");
else if(age>=55 && age<=74)
printf("your ticket price is 12$");
printf("your ticket price is 10$");
return 0;s
Program Output:
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