Write a C program to convert numeric string to an int of same value?
For Example, if you read a string “1524” then an integer variable in your program should be
assigned 1524 as an integer.
// Variable declaration//
char a[10];
int i,sum=0;
printf("Enter any integer:");
/* actual Working */
for(i=0;a[i]!='\0';i++) //this loop for cheak array index is less than 48 and greater than 57
if(a[i]<48 || a[i]>57)
printf("string cannot convert to integer\n");
break; //if condition is true so this loop will be break
else //if condition is not true
sum=sum*10+a[i]-48; //here sum multiply by 10 and than array index subtaract 48 and add sum
if(a[i]>57) //if a[i] greater tha 57 so its wrong
printf("Please enter integer value");
printf("string succesuuly convert to integer:%d",sum);
return 0;
Program Output:
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